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Smile and Compliment for a Better Tomorrow!

Smile and Compliment for a Better Tomorrow!

Giving back to society should not be material only. In these hectic days, for some,  material support could be the last thing on their mind. It is possible the help of encouragement, a lending hand, and good words are what some need. What about a smile? What about a compliment? These actions not only help others to smile but are a motivation tool for oneself to improve each day.

1. Choose to smile and connect with a couple of people you would usually ignore

Make eye contact with a stranger and smile and nod in passing. Wave at the neighbor you’ve never talked to before as you drive by. Make a small effort to spread a little more love and light to a few people you would ordinarily ignore. By sharing a little more love, more love will make its way back to you, and you’ll brighten someone else’s day at the same time.

2. Choose to let your true self be seen at least once today

Many of us have become emotional robots. We stifle our laughter, hide our smiles, cry in private and bite our tongues. We do these things in an effort to “fit in,” but as a result we often adopt a limiting belief that people won’t like us or will think negatively of us if we let our true selves shine through. This can keep us from being who we really are and living authentic lives.

If this describes you, resolve to come out of your shell at least once a day. Tell someone your honest opinion, let a friend see you break down or laugh at something you find funny, even if you are afraid others will think you are inappropriate. With a little bit of practice letting people see the true you, you will start to become more comfortable being your authentic self out in public.

If you are very used to hiding your thoughts and emotions, the first couple of tries might be a bit difficult, but the more uncomfortable you are at first the more liberated you will feel when you come out of hiding. Giving yourself permission to be who you really (no matter who’s around) are can be a highly empowering feeling.

3. Choose to hand out a few sincere compliments today

When we give compliments and kind words, we attract more of the same back to us, so be liberal with compliments! When you see someone achieve something they’ve been striving for, wearing a particularly nice outfit or doing something noteworthy, take a quick moment to let them know you are impressed!

Kindness builds good karma. It also ensures others will be happy for your successes!

4. Choose to do something on your “to-do” list you’ve been putting off

Progress occurs when we step a little bit out of our comfort zones and do something we know in our hearts we want to be doing. So pick one of the things you’ve been avoiding and do it. It doesn’t have to be a big step, it just has to be something that has been weighing on your mind and you’ve been wanting to get done.

One small step in the direction of progress every day is enough to get the momentum moving for you to accomplish your goals and get where you really want to be in life.

It is easy to improve other people’s life if you improve yourself first. Good luck and peace be upon you. And don’t forget to smile and work on your list.
