The Wellness Mindset …
If you ask ten people to define wellness, you may very well get ten different answers. That’s in part because wellness is a state of being that is unique to each person. In general, wellness refers to an overall sense of well-being rooted in mental, spiritual, and physical health.
How each of us achieves wellness is informed by our life experiences, our environment, and our current mental outlook. Accepting wellness in our lives does not come naturally; it is very much a learned behavior in this modern world.
In general, the single best determiner of wellness is a lifestyle and taking personal responsibility for making smart choices on a daily basis. The overall impetus of wellness is an improvement. By improving our physical health we improve our emotional outlook. By improving our social connections, we improve our overall health. Wellness is based on the knowledge that we are integrated beings; our emotions do not exist separate from our physical selves; our mental acuity is closely tied to our bodily health. To improve one aspect then, by definition, is to improve all. The key is to adopt a wellness mindset and be open to improvement.
There are many aspects of wellness beyond the broad categories of mental, emotional, and physical. There are occupational wellness, financial wellness, spiritual wellness, environmental wellness, and social wellness. Each of these aspects of wellness needs to be individually nurtured in order to achieve and maintain overall health. Adopting a wellness mindset means taking an overall positive approach to all aspects of your life.
That may not be as easy as it sounds because human beings sometimes seem hardwired to cling to negative thoughts or situations. Familiarity can be a hard habit to break, even if that means staying in situations or maintaining mindsets that hinder our overall well being and prevent us from being fully open to improvement.
Learning wellness is a process that requires discipline and determination. But once we adopt the mindset and begin to feel the improvement in the emotional, physical and mental aspects of our lives, the easier it will be to adopt more habits and behaviors that promote overall wellness and a greatly improved quality of, and outlook on, life.
Small changes will eventually have great dividends. Take five minutes a day to decompress mentally and meditate. Walk ten minutes to move your body and ease your stress level. Choose some organic food and add a fruit a day to your meals. Take time to visit with friends and laugh. Take time to appreciate the nature around you. Little by little your outlook will improve and you will get into the habit of wellness. Once you have fully adopted that mindset, the daily decisions that promote wellness will become second nature.
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